Digital 4 Social Value-Chain

The digital transformation of social enterprises and voluntary organisations continues to be driven by increasingly urgent needs and growing demand. New and emerging technologies have the power and responsibility to create value for society. In this scenario, Torino Wireless stimulates collaboration between the members of the Cluster, developing and strengthening long networks characterised by solutions available to the third sector.
What I hold back will disappear with me, but what I have given will remain in the hands of all.

Here you will find the first companies that today represent excellence in digital innovation for the social sector.
More visibility for your business
The Cluster develops marketing actions with a focus on Digital4Social and activates broader collaborations and joint initiatives, creating relationships and industry contacts for joint projects and offers.

Find the right partners
The Cluster searches for the most suitable partners to start co-opetition paths, through the organisation of bilateral meetings between companies on specific topics or needs expressed by the companies or detected by the Cluster.
Responding to market needs
The Cluster supports you in developing an integrated offer capable of responding to the needs expressed by potential customers, both private and public. It collaborates with the relevant players (SMEs, research institutes, public administration) to develop technical/economic pre-feasibility studies and analyses of the expected industrial spin-offs.

The chain is realised in synergy with the I3S project, led by the Torino Wireless Foundation, in collaboration with the representative bodies (Confcooperative Piemonte Nord, LegaCoop and Vol.TO) with the contribution of the Torino Chamber of Commerce, and is part of the Tech4Good programme of the Torino Social Impact Strategic Plan.
Join the Value Chain
Digital4Social Survey
The Cluster activates the necessary synergies between the various skills and solutions of the companies, in order to present integrated offers capable of better interpreting market needs, as well as enhancing effective ways of public-private relations.
The entry point into the chain is the Digital4Social Survey: the tool that allows you to express your needs and skills in terms of the products and solutions you offer and seek.
- Do you offer technologies? Tell us about your products and skills
- Do you use technologies or solutions in the social field? Tell us about your needs.