International Activities
The ICT Cluster increases business opportunities abroad for Members
Torino Wireless identifies events and opportunities for growth in the area, exploiting collaboration networks with other international clusters and activating collaborations with specialized strategic partners.

Collaboration with local authorities
The Cluster directs companies interested in internationalization processes towards local players who are able to support them in identifying new opportunities, how to access target markets and in activating meetings with potential international buyers.
The partners we work with:
Turin Chamber of Commerce, Competitiveness and Internationalization Development Sector
It accompanies companies that:
- wish to start an import-export business ("World Pass" counter that offers information on the establishment of companies devoted to operating abroad);
- wish to apply abroad for the first time but already operate on the domestic market (portfolio of orientation services on foreign markets and support services in identifying commercial counterparties);
- operate abroad but intend to expand their operations or strengthen their presence in the target markets ("Target Market" service to assess which country will have the most opportunities for success, learn about product growth trends in an international scenario, analyze the potential competition in the individual target countries, knowing the regulations governing the trade of products abroad, identifying the reference fairs where to meet potential customers)
The Chamber also activates a tutoring process every year for companies wishing to take advantage of the experience of Piedmontese professionals and entrepreneurs who make available their experience gained abroad ("Mentoring" program).
Thanks to the collaboration with APARC USARCI and in synergy with the system of the Italian Chambers of Commerce abroad, companies have the opportunity to get in touch with sales agents or representatives, through which they can search for specific commercial counterparts, present the company characteristics and production, or formulate and negotiate commercial offers.
With the specialized services "Assist in" and "GAP", the Turin Chamber of Commerce has been accompanying companies for years in their expansion projects on certain markets deemed strategic. In particular, GAP is considered one of the best part-time MBA in the United States, through which some selected companies can develop an in-depth and independent business plan to enter the US market effectively and on time.
Finally, the body offers administrative services for companies that, having to participate in a tender or start an international partnership or still open a local unit abroad, need the translation of chamber deeds and certificates in a foreign language.
Ceipiemonte - Foreign Center for the Internationalization of Piedmont
The first Italian regional body dedicated to the internationalization of the territory, is the reference for local companies that work or intend to work on foreign markets and for foreign interlocutors interested in learning about the local economic system and investing in Piedmont.
Ceipiemonte was born in 2006 from an initiative of the Piedmont Region, in agreement with the Chambers of Commerce, the representatives of the economic categories, the Universities, the Polytechnic and other territorial entities.
One of the main objectives is to strengthen the presence of the local economic system on foreign markets, guaranteeing businesses (craft, industrial, agricultural, services, distribution) consultancy support, technical assistance, accompanying the first internationalization, consolidation and diversification of the markets , promotional initiatives, support to aggregation based on skills and international demand to lengthen the value chain.
Ceipiemonte organizes territorial marketing activities to promote the quality of Piedmontese production, skills and regional assets on the occasion of primary international events or shows taking place in Italy or abroad and guarantees complete assistance to companies interested in investing in the area.
Ceipiemonte manages the PIF - Integrated Supply Chain Projects that increase the level of internationalization of regional production systems by consolidating the competitive presence and international projection in eight excellent Piedmontese production chains: Aerospace, Automotive, Mechatronics, Green Chemistry / Clean Tech, Health and Wellness , Textile, Agrifood and Clothing / High Range / Design. Each project is divided into a structured set of activities aimed at covering even different targets in the supply chain with the implementation of transversal activities and investment activities such as Workshops, B2B, study tours, company visits, ongoing assistance and individual paths, collective participations at international fairs, exhibition events, business conventions. The BIPs are promoted by the Piedmont Region, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the POR FESR Piedmont 2014-2020.
Collaboration networks in Europe
The Torino Wireless Foundation is part of the Enterprise Europe Network and participates in the ALPS-EEN consortium, offering an integrated system of services to help companies identify new commercial, production and technological partners abroad, to support innovation and transfer technology and to promote the participation of SMEs in Horizon 2020. Furthermore, Torino Wireless actively participates in European projects with positive repercussions on companies belonging to the ICT Hub.
For 2019 the projects on which it is possible to be involved are:
MobiGoIn-Action: Turin Wireless guide project focused on Smart Mobility. The project supports the internationalization of SMEs and European Start-ups in North America (USA and Canada) for the Automotive market and in China and Singapore for the Smart City market.
SENTINEL: A network of clusters that allows European SMEs to become international, integrating into a global supply chain addressed to emerging markets in the hospitality sector.
Are you interested in any internationalization activities?
Write to info@poloinnovazioneict.org and we will reply as soon as possible.