Participatory Design for Social Issues
Digital 4 Social Value-Chain
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What is it
Responding to contemporary social challenges requires designing solutions that work and generate social impact. To this end, Experientia promotes innovation and collaborates with public administrations, foundations, cultural organisations, social cooperatives, NGOs and other entities that provide public services. How? By designing services and experiences that meet people’s needs, that are able to hybridise in response to social inclusiveness and that support more virtuous behaviour.
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Experientia collaborated with the Cooperativa Sociale La Strada to make a community for minors in the Asti area an open place where the fragility of the children was not hidden and stigmatised, but rather relativised and inserted into a broader horizon of normality.
Experientia organised a co-design process divided into two workshops from which different scenarios emerged to extend the possibility of enjoying the beauty of the places where the community is located to a wider audience.
Specifically, the hypotheses of transforming part of the farmhouse where the community is located into: a multi-purpose room for dinners, courses and events; a processing and sales workshop linked to the cultivation of saffron; a vegetable garden and educational farm, as well as identifying it as a stopover on a route.
Application Markets
Healthcare / Social Services
Solution Progress