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S + F Synchronization + Files

A new solution from FSC in the Data Synchronization Systems.
The solution S + F (Synchronization + Files) allows to synchronize complex management applications and the files referenced in the application database. The synchronization can take place between databases of different type (SQL Server – Access – MySQL …).

Also different structures of data are supported through the use of a layer of mapping + dictionaries.

In the scenario where you have a management application based on several server databases and need to keep aligned the data very frequently.

Then you must allow to recognize the records changed or the single fields changed. Once done that, you must define a procedure that periodically extracts the changes done on each database and exchanges those information solving the conflicting records or fields.

Your application has a document management functionality or is a document management application, based on several servers and together with the data you must keep aligned the referenced files.

Then you must allow to recognize the records referencing the files  changed. Once done that, you must define a procedure that periodically extracts the changes done and moves the files.

S + F answers your need of exchanging data and files and solving conflicts. An easy parametrization interface allows the users to define the exchange filtering and the conflict solving rules.