
Incontro con Alcatel-Lucent: IMS Convergent Applications

Alcatel-Lucent cerca PMI per ricerca e innovazione


This event will identify ways in which the Research & Innovation (R&I) department of Alcatel-Lucent France Villarceaux and innovative SMEs can work together. Likely forms of collaboration are research studies carried out in partnership with the centre. Two types of cooperation are envisaged:

  • bi-lateral collaboration agreement, in which Alcatel partly funds the SME research.
  • joint participation in research projects financed by third parties, in France (RNRT, R&D clusters) or Europe (IST, CELTIC)

Alcatel – Lucent France Villarceaux’s R&I department is seeking SME expertise for their IMS Convergent Applications project.
This project focuses on new application concepts, the creation of new intellectual properties, product design in the field of IMS terminals, and application servers targeting both mobile and landline users.

Main areas covered by the project are:

  • IP communications and new uses
  • IMS and Web 2.0 combinations
  • promoting awareness of services and their delivery in SOA (Service Oriented Architecture)
  • session continuity enabling users to merge different types of communication and media services
  • ambient services

Associated keywords: Internet, VoIP, mobile Internet, new uses, communication services, contextual services, electronic messaging, web services, Web 2.0, SOA, SDP.

A plenary session is planned in which SMEs will propose their expertise and large-scale enterprises will explain their business needs.
This will be followed by an informal discussion session and/or the possibility of private meetings.

Come partecipare

Pacte PME ha l’obiettivo di mettere in contatto e far nascere accordi di business tra le grandi e le piccole e medie imprese per far emergere le future aziende leader a livello mondiale.
La Fondazione Torino Wireless fa parte del Pacte PME e rappresenta il canale di accesso per le aziende italiane.
Tutti coloro che fossero interessati a partecipare all’incontro con Alcatel-Lucent sono pregati di contattare:

Pasquale Marasco, Marco Ramella
Dipartimento Networking, Fondazione Torino Wireless
tel. +39 011 19501301 – fax +39 011 5138 161
pasquale.marasco@torinowireless.it / marco.ramella@torinowireless.it

Scadenza adesioni: 30 agosto 2007



17 ottobre


17 ottobre


Ora: 9:30 - 17:00
Dove: Parigi / Région Parisienne (da definire)