
Dall’UE 783,5 milioni di euro per l’ICT

7° call per il programma ICT del 7° Programma Quadro

Il budget è ripartito nei seguenti topics:


Challenge 1: Pervasive and Trusted Network and Service Infrastructures

ICT 2011.1.3 Internetconnected Objects

ICT 2011.1.5 Networked Media and Search Systems

ICT 20011.1.6 Future Internet Research and Experimentation


Challenge 2: Cognitive systems and robotics

ICT 2011.2.1 Cognitive Systems and Robotics


Challenge 3: Alternative Paths to Components and Systems

ICT 2011.3.2 Smart components and smart systems integration

ICT 2011.3.3 New paradigms for embedded systems, monitoring and control towards complex systems engineering

ICT 2011.3.4 Computing Systems

ICT 2011.3.5 Core and disruptive photonic technologies

ICT 2011.3.6 Flexible, Organic and Large Area Electronics and Photonics


Challenge 4: Technologies for Digital Content and Languages

ICT 2011.4.2 Language Technologies


Challenge 5: ICT fo Health, Ageing Well, Inclusion and Governance

ICT 2011.5.1 Personal Health Systems

ICT 2011.5.2 Virtual Physiological Human

ICT 2011.5.3: Patient Guidance Services (PGS), safety and healthcare record information reuse

ICT 2011.5.4 ICT for Ageing and Wellbeing

ICT 2011.5.5 ICT for smart and personalised inclusion

ICT 2011.5.6 ICT Solutions for governance and policy modelling


Challenge 6: ICT for a Low Carbon Economy

ICT 2011.6.2 ICT systems for Energy Efficiency

ICT 2011.6.6 Low-carbon multi-modal mobility and freight transport


Future and Emerging Technologies

ICT 2011.9.12 Coordinating Communities, Identifying new research topics for FET Proactive initiatives and

Fostering Networking of National and Regional Research Programmes

ICT 2011.9.13 Exa-scale computing, software and simulation


International Cooperation

ICT 2011.10.3 International Partnership building and support to dialogues


Horizontal Actions

ICT 2011.11.1 Pre-Commercial Procurement Actions

ICT 2011.11.2 Trans-national co-operation among National Contact Points

ICT 2011.11.3 Supplements to Strengthen Cooperation in ICT R&D in an Enlarged European Union


La scadenza per la presentazione delle proposte è il 18 gennaio 2011.


Tutti i documenti di lavoro sono scaricabili dal sito CORDIS.


Fonte: ALPS – Enterprise Europe Network, Settore Innovazione Tecnologica, Camera di commercio di Torino