Presentazione bando europeo: Technology-enhanced Learning
ICT Call 5 Information Day (7FP)
Durante la giornata verrà illustrato ai partecipanti il programma di lavoro e i criteri di valutazione delle proposte, facilitare la condivisione di idee e esperienze nonchè permettere di incontrare potenziali partner per i consorzi di progetto.
Who should attend?
This event addresses researchers interested in submitting project proposals to the fifth ICT call under FP7, objective ICT-2009.4.2:Technology-enhanced Learning.
The information day aims at helping participants to better understand the work programme and criteria for the evaluation of proposals, to facilitate sharing of ideas and experiences, and tomeet potentialpartners for project consortia.
What can you expect?
A plenary session in the morning will provide participants with information on the current work programme and on practical issues related to preparing proposals.
The parallel sessions before and after lunch aim exploring in more depth each of the outcomes specified in the work programme. Discussions will be based on contributions and questions from participants. The topics of the parallel sessions are: