
ITS world congress 2007

ITS for a better life

Verrà presentato un paper all’interno delle Interactive Sessions venerdì 12 Ottobre, dalle 13:30 alle 17:00.
Turin: From Pioneer Traffic Management Solutions to the Innovative "Access Rights" Control System

Matteo Antoniola, Torino Wireless
Paolo D’Angelo, 5T
Gianluca De Cantis, Torino Wireless
Giovanni Foti, 5T
Rossella Panero, 5T


Il Congresso
The 14th World Congress on ITS will take place in Beijing, China, from 9th to 13th October. It will hold administrative and technological sessions, exhibitions, technological studies, interactive sessions, as well as citizen education. With the theme of "ITS for a Better Life", the congress will invite delegates and experts from different governments, organizations, and enterprises in the world, who will show visitors the latest policies and management of ITS, state-of the-art equipments, advanced technology achievements, and successful cases, prospects of ITS development.



09 ottobre


13 ottobre


Dove: Beijing Exhibition Centre - Beijing (Cina)