Webinar ZOOM – Dalla Ricerca al Mercato: Opportunità e modalità di partecipazione al bando – 18 marzo 2025 | 11:30-12:30
Thursday, 15 March 2012 09:00h -13:00 includes a 30 min. coffee break
09:00- 09:30 Registration of participants
09:45-10:00 Opening:
10:00-11:00 Key-note speakers:
11:00-11:30 Coffee break
11:30-13:00 1st Technical session ? Regional innovation clusters: models and experiences
Moderator: Eva Milella, ADiTe – Association of Technological Districts
Q&A Session
13:00-14:30 Lunch
Thursday, 15 March 2012 14:30-18:00 (includes a 30 min. coffee break)
14:30-16:00 2nd Technical session ? ?Shinshu smart device cluster?
Moderator: Federico Cinquepalmi ? Italian Ministry for Education University and
Research MIUR
16:00-16:30 Coffee break
16:30-18:00 3nd Technical session ?Kyoto Environmental Nanotechnology Cluster?
Moderator: Eva Milella – ADiTe – Association of Technological Districts
18:15-18.30 Closing Remarks
On March 15, at the Ministry of Education, Universities and Research (MIUR) will take place the first Italy ? Japan Symposium, this first year focused on the Creation of Regional Innovation. The meeting is part of the collaboration activities between the two countries, started on October 7, 1998, with the signature of the first agreement of scientific and technological cooperation. This first meeting aims at fostering regional cooperation, by bringing together stakeholders interested in scientific and technological development. The main objective is to establish new contacts between the technological districts of the two countries.
The notion of technological district was introduced in Italy in 2002 within the framework of the policies for the support of the national production system. The root of this new cluster typology can be traced back to the National Research Plan (PNR) of 2002 ? 2004. The MIUR, by promoting the research and development of enabling key technologies, worked on strengthening the innovation of production, process and organization. Michael Porter, the creator of cluster theory, seen as geographic concentrations of interconnected companies, points to Italy as an exemplary country for the creation of technological districts. In recent years both the university system and the manufacturing field underwent a profound transformation, and subsequently, the way people access knowledge and research changed as well. The main belief at the root of such changes, is that competitiveness takes place on a local level, and therefore all regional actors need to be involved: national, regional and local administrations as well as public and private stakeholders working in industrial research.
In August 2010 Japan launched the Fourth Framework Programme for Science and Technology which states ?the importance of building a regional innovation system? that may contribute to strengthen the country?s competitiveness on an international level. As Japan and Italy are facing similar issues such as scarcity of raw materials or a preponderance of small and medium enterprises, it is easy to believe that a mutual comparison of both policies will be beneficial. At the same time it is to be hoped that the two countries will further strive to deepen and develop their mutual scientific and technological promotion as well as the cooperation between regional realities.
Dove: Ministero dell'Istruzione, dell'Università e della Ricerca (Miur) - Viale Trastevere 76/A - Roma