
Global Mobile Awards 2007

GSM Association invita a partecipare ai premi annuali per la tecnologia mobile

Categorie dei Premi 2007

  1. Mobile Innovation Forum
    • The most innovative mobile application content
    • The most innovative technology development
    • Best mobile advertising
    • Best broadcast commercial
  2. Best mobile services
    • Best enterprise service
    • Best mobile messaging service
  3. Mobile entertainment
    • Best made for mobile film
    • Best made for mobile film, video or tv service
    • Best made for mobile music service
    • Best made for mobile infotainment for sports and news content
  4. Best mobile handsets
    • Best GSM handset
    • Best 3GSM handset
  5. Best Mobile Marketing
    • Best mobile advertising
    • Best broadcast commercial
  6. ‘Bridging the digital divide’ awards
    • Best use of mobile for social and economic development
    • Best ‘ultra low cost’ handset
  7. Best mobile technology
    • Best radio access technology
    • Best network quality initiative
    • Best billing and customer care
    • Best roaming product or service
  8. Chairman’s award
  9. Government leadership award

Scarica il prospetto di tutte le categorie: [#pdf:175]

Scadenza per la partecipazione: 30 Novembre 2006


Per qualsiasi informazione sull’organizzazione:


La serata di gala durante la quale si svolgerà la premiazione sarà il 13 Febbraio 2007, presso il Palazzo Nazionale di Barcellona (Spagna).