
Technology Clusters. Role and Importance of Innovation in Italian and Japanese Economy

Italian Spring in Japan

Two days of meetings organized in the framework of "Italian Spring in Japan 2007", an important milestone in the way that Italy and Japan are keeping together to favor the growth of both Countries’ knowledges and economies.

Italian Clusters:

  • Torino Wireless and Galileo (Piemonte)
  • IMAST and Polymeric-composite Materials (Campania)
  • CBM – Cluster in Biomedicine (Friuli Venezia Giulia)
  • Veneto Nanotech (Veneto)
  • Hi-Mech and Advanced Machinery (Emilia-Romagna)
  • DHITECH High Tech District (Puglia)

  • SIIT Integrated Intelligent Systems Technologies (Liguria)

Japanese Knowledge Clusters:

  • Sapporo IT Carrozzeria Cluster

  • Nagano/Ueda Smart Device Cluster

  • Kyoto Nanotech Cluster

  • Tohoku MONODZUKURI Corridor

  • Metropolitan Biotechnology-Related Startups Network

  • Kansai Front Runner Project

In cooperation with:

• MRI (Italy)
• MUR (Italy)
• MSE (Italy)
• METI (Japan)
• MEXT (Japan)
• MIC (Japan)
• Banca d’Italia (Italy)
• Banca d’affari giapponese
• ESA (for Galileo segment)
• JASDA (for Galileo segment)
• GSA (for Galileo segment)
• ASI (for Galileo segment)
• JAXA (for Galileo segment)
• Regione Emilia Romagna
• Aster – scienza innovazione e impresa
• Regione Piemonte
• Regione Liguria

• Alcatel Alenia Space Italia (for Galileo segment)
• Telecom Italia (for Galileo segment)
• Telespazio (for Galileo segment)
• Centro Ricerche Fiat (for Galileo segment)
• Consorzio Torino Time (CTT) (for Galileo segment)
• Sapporo It-cluster (for TW segment)
• Hokkaido Venture Capital (for TW segment)
• Softopia Foundation (for TW segment)
• NTTDoCoMoLab (for Galileo segment)

• Istituto Superiore Mario Boella (ISMB)
• Politecnico di Torino
• Università di Bologna
• Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia



04 June


05 June


Where: Italian Institute of Culture, Tokyo.