

A step further automatic control design

The seminar is focused on the automatic control design of plants as considered at a European level by Universities, research centers and industries.

This seminar is linked to the “Introduction to EICASLAB” course, that consist of two days focused on the usage of the professional software tool EICASLAB.


This meeting will present the results of ACODUASIS (Automatic Control Design Using Advanced Simulation Software – IPS-2001-42068), a project co-financed by the European Commission in the framework of the program “Promotion of innovation and encouragement of SME participation”. Thanks to this project, a sophisticated, innovative, powerful, and robust methodology for the automatic control design of plants developed by Prof. Francesco Donati (Polytechnic of Turin) and supported by the professional software tool EICASLAB has been transferred to European companies and universities working in the field of robotics.


The new methodology appears to be of potential interest for all companies operating in the field of automation. In particular, it could be of great interest fot those SMEs active in the field of robotics, machine tools, and special machines, since it can offer a significant design cost reduction together with an improvement in terms of perfotmance.


The workshop has been organized by the Torino Wireless Foundation and the Chamber of commerce of Torino jointly with EICAS and with the sponsorship of Unioncamere Piemonte and the Polytechnic of Turin.

The event is organized by the Chamber of commerce of Torino in the framework of the activities undertaken through the European project ALPS Innovation Relay Centre.


  • 9.00

    Welcome to participants

    Alessandro Barberis – Turin Chamber of commerce

    Claudio Giuliano – Torino Wireless Foundation

  • 9.15

    The innovative methodology and the ACODUASIS project

    Francesco Donati – Polytechnic of Turin

  • 10.15

    EICASLAB: the software tool for automatic controls design

    Gabriella Caporaletti — EICAS Automazione S.p.A

  • 11.15

    Coffee break

  • 11.30

    Industrial robots simulation models for control design and analysis purpose

    Aldo Bottero, Daniele Martinello – COMAU

  • 12.00

    Industrial robots control with EICASLAB approach: industrial prototyping and exsperimentation results

    Aldo Bottero, Daniele Martinello – COMAU

    Fabrizio Motto, Andrea Ramoino – EICAS

  • 12.30

    Services offered by the Innovation and Technology Department of the Chamber of commerce of Torino

    Chiara Soffietti, Innovation and Technology Department, Chamber of commerce of Torino

  • 12.40


  • 14.00

    Control of a hydraulic servoactuator using an automated algorithm generator

    Vincent Abadie – CYBERNETIX

    Paulo Pina – UNINOVA

    Gabriella Caporaletti – EICAS

  • 14.30

    Advanced automated algorithm generation software in the control of a solar power plant

    Gabriella Caporaletti – EICAS

    Maria Marques, Rui Neves da Silva – UNINOVA

  • 15.00

    Model and control of compliant joints driven by fluidic muscles

    Thilo Kerscher, Johann Marius Zoellner, Rüdiger Dillmann – UKA

    Alberto Stella, Gabriella Caporaletti – EICAS

  • 15.30

    Synthesis of a multivariable regulator of a thermic power plant

    Yannick Dodeman, Noël Moisan – IPSIS

  • 16.00

    Coffee break

  • 16.15

    Modelling and control of Automatic Guided Vehicles (AGVs) for the transport of meals, laundry and waste in the healthcare domain

    Johannes Fottner – TELELIFT

  • 16.45

    Round table

    Chairman, Prof. Francesco Donati

  • 18.00



The participation is free of charge. To register please complete and submit the Registration Form to the Conference Bureau, by fax or by e-mail.

Conference Bureau:

Turin Chamber of Commerce

Technological Innovation Sector

Via San Francesco da Paola, 24 – 10123 Torino

Tel. +39 011 571 6322

Fax +39 011 571 6324

e-mail: alps@to.camcom.it


03 October