T2M – Talk to Me

Digital 4 Social Value-Chain

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T2M - Talk to Me
T2M - Talk to Me
Polo ICT

What is it

The system to remotely manage the relationship between doctor and patient.

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T2M - Talk to Me
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The advent of Covid has on the one hand dictated the need to adopt behaviours aimed at physical distancing, but on the other hand the need to find alternative ways of using services that are fundamental to the health and well-being of citizens.

These include the patient/doctor (or specialist) relationship and the management of long-distance consultations, which in several countries has been entrusted to various platforms for long-distance communication, including Google Meet and Zoom, which, however, were not originally designed for this type of use and did not guarantee the pseudonymisation of the parties involved and the privacy of personal data.




Given its expertise in the healthcare and pharma industry, Etiqa has worked to bridge this gap and at the same time experiment with new methodologies, creating a POC (Proof Of Concept) that integrates, within a single platform, various useful services for the management of the patient/physician relationship. In particular:

– video-call service
– online pre-screening tool
– online document management through digital signature
– management of reminders and notifications (e.g. treatment schedules, drugs, appointments, …)
– documentation and information on your pathology/therapy/best practice provided/indicated by the specialist

In order to comply with the GDPR, American laws and HIIPA, communication is managed through a pseudo-anonymisation system, which logically separates user identity and service management.

Application Markets

Healthcare / Social Services

Solution Progress

Proof of Concept