
Workshop: Intellectual property in antennas

Protecting and exploiting antenna technologies

This workshop is aimed to link the world of the scientific literature and that of the IP protection, and to make aware the antenna research community of the potentials and the of the issues related to the IP protection.

The meeting is addressed for teaching and researching staff of the Plytechinc of Torino and Mario Boella Institute (ISMB).


The workshop is organised by A.C.E. (Antenna Centre of Excellence), the FP6 funded Network of Excellence with 46 Institutions from all over Europe, aiming to structure the fragmented European antenna R&D, reduce duplications and boost excellence and competitiveness in key areas.

The event is supported by the Torino Wireless Foundation, the Polytechnic of Torino and the Mario Boella Institute (ISMB) with its Antennas and EMC Laboratory (L.A.C.E.).


  • 9.30

    Introduction to the Workshop

    Mario Orefice, Polytechnic of Torino, ACE

  • 9.45

    Fundamentals of Patents

    Carlo Torti, Grünecker

  • 11.00


  • 11.15

    Patenting Antennas

    Gerry Van Dooren, European Patent Office

  • 12.30

    Q&A Session

  • 12.45


  • 13.45

    Searching Patents on the Internet

    Gerry Van Dooren, European Patent Office

  • 15.00


  • 15.15

    The IP Business

    Stephen Potter, UK R&D Society

  • 16.15

    The antenna patent situation in Europe

    Panel discussion

  • 17:30

    End of works

How to participate

The participation to the workshop is free of charge, but the attendance is limited an therefore registration is mandatory. Please register sending an e-mail to: mario.orefice@polito.it


28 October