
Presentation: The Italian Venture Capital Hub

The best early-stage funds joined in Torino

The official presentation for the Venture Capital Hub, started-up on October 2006 in Torino. The hub puts together some of the best venture capital funds that operates in Italy in the early stage segment.


  • 10:15


  • 10:30


    Francesco Profumo, Politecnico di Torino

  • 10:40

    Enterprise and e Finance, joined within the Incubator of Politecnico di Torino

    Vincenzo Pozzolo, I3P

  • 10:50

    The Piedmont system to finance innovation

    Mario Calderini, Finpiemonte

  • 11:00

    The “Venture Capital Hub”: a system of funds to foster innovation

    Claudio Giuliano, Venture Capital Hub

  • 11:15

    Funds Presentation

    • Marco Pinciroli, Innogest Capital
    • Claudio Giuliano, Piemontech
    • Giancarlo Rocchietti, Club degli investitori
    • Massimo Mondini, Strategia Italia
    • Mario Gay, Intel Capital
    • Diana Saraceni, 360 Capital Partners
    • Mauro Pretolani, TLcom Capital
    • Ivan Farneti, Doughy Hanson &co Technology Limited
    • Paolo Gesses, Jupiter Venture
    • Silvano Fumero, Eporgen Ventures
    • Stefano Peroncini, Principia Fund
  • 12:30


  • 12:45

    Research, Enterprise and Venture Capital, the virtuous circle

    Rodolfo Zich, Torino Wireless Foundation

Appetizer follows


09 February