
Pitching Sessions EVC

European Venture Contest 2007 - Day 2

Company Profile Sheet submission

  • Registrations closed
  • Complete the Company Profile Sheet, a summary of your company’s business.
  • Based on these Profiles, the Selection Committee will handpick companies for the Pitching Sessions.

18 companies. Audience of experts: Venture Capitalists, Corporate Finance Managers

  • 08.45 
    Registration opens
  • 09.00 
    Welcome. Presentation of the European Venture Contest
    Claudine Faleo, Torino Wireless
    Sien Luyten, European Venture Contest Manager
  • 09.15 
    Boost your Company on an International scale: What you Need to Know
    Roland Nobels, Managing Director of Europe Unlimited
  • 09.45 
    Elevator Pitches
    Each entrepreneur will make a one-minute ‘elevator pitch’ of his venture. The goal is simple: generate interest in the company and its ambitions. 
  • 11.00 
    Coffee Break
  • 11.30 
    Presentation Session
    Each entrepreneur will make an 8-minute presentation introducing the company and its objectives followed by a 7 minutes evaluation. During the evaluation fellow entrepreneurs and experts will provide feedback on the strengths and weaknesses.
  • 13.00 
    Lunch & networking
  • 14.00 
    Individual sessions
    Entrepreneurs and experts discuss face-to-face the issues raised during the presentations in the morning
  • 15.00 
    Presentation Session
    Companies will have the opportunity to give a second presentation with improvements incorporated during the day
  • 16.30 
    Closing of the Session: lessons to take home
    Roland Nobels, Managing Director, Europe Unlimited
  • 17.00 
    Experts only: evaluation of the presenting companies

Eligibility Criteria
  • Established private companies (no projects, plans, ideas);
  • Breakthrough innovation in technology or services (your product or service tackles a big problem in the market, or an opportunity that has not been exploited and you are offering an elegant solution that creates substantial value);
  • International ambition and potential (to change your industry and market);
  • Linked to Europe (location, founders, funding, expansion plans…).


19 October


H: 14:00-19:00
Where: Cittadella Politecnica
I3P, Incubatore Imprese Innovative Politecnico di Torino
C.so Castelfidardo 30/a, Torino