
Latest days to join SMAU 2006

An invitation for the companies of the Torino Wireless Cluster

With this action the Foundation is going to set up a collective space to host the exhibitor companies at best conditions.

This proposition is subordinated to the submission of at least 4 companies, so who are going to participate are invited to show their interest by 30th June using this contact:

Torino Wireless Foundation – SME Project

Marco Ramella Votta

Tel 011.1950.1301

Fax 011.564.5909


SMAU 2006

Smau 2006 presents itself with a totally renovated look and it becomes an Exhibition reserved only for the business.

Wishing to better respond to the needs of companies operating in the ICT sector, Smau 2006 will be totally reserved to professional visitors.

Who are the Smau 2006 visitors

The Exhibition is reserved only for the professional visitors. Distributors, resellers, companies’ decision makers (SMEs and large corporations in the Industry, Crafts, Commerce and Services sectors), managers of central and local governments, professionals, technicians, specialists and communication operators will attend.

Display Categories

  • Enterprise Technologies and Solutions
    • Hardware Products and Solutions Manufacturers and Distributors
    • Software Products and Solutions Manufacturers and Distributors
    • Automatic Identification and Security
  • Telecommunications
  • Networking
  • Sound&Vision
  • Digital Imaging
  • Digital Technologies and Solutions for the Public Sector
  • E-Mobility
  • Basic and Applied Research
  • Publishers
  • Associations and Organizations

For further information: SMAU 2006.