
Italy-Israel Call for R&D Proposals

R&D Projects in the year 2006

In the framework of the activities foreseen by the Agreement on industrial, scientific and technological research and development cooperation between Italy and Israel started the procedures foreseen for the selection of projects eligible for financial support as in Article 4 of the Agreement.

Italian-Israeli joint research projects can be presented only in the research and development areas listed in Article 2 of the Agreement.


The criteria to be followed in order to apply to the present Call are:

  1. The Italian and Israeli partners must express the will to cooperate, on an equal base, to the development of a new product, industrial process or service
  2. The product, process or service must be innovative and there must be a technological risk involved
  3. The project must be equally significant for both the participants
  4. The participants are required to have preliminarily signed a-partnership agreement on the commercialization of the product, process or service once the phase of research and development has been completed and the ownership and use of know how and IPR settlements (“Partnership Agreement”)

Modalities for the financial support of the projects

Every selected project can be financed up to 50% of the documented and eligible costs of research and development. When the project is successful and produces profits, the financial support of both the Italian and Israeli Parties will have to be repaid, without interests, by means of royalties or profits deriving from the sales. No repayment is due when the project does not reach the stage of the commercialization.

Deadline for submission of applications for the year 2006: April 24, 2006.


Fur further informations: https://www.italia-israel.com/news_full.asp?info_id=1036