Smart City 2021 Brokerage Event
International B2B event within Smart City Expo World Congress in Barcelona
University of Turin, together with European Commission and CRUI Foundation, organises an informative day to present to academic world and local authorities some important initiatives of the European Commission. The aim is to chip off obstacles from international mobility and to promote the actractiveness of european academic system for european and extra-european researchers.
In the morning the presentation will concern the main contents of “European Charter for Researchers and a Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers“. These two documents are key elements in the EU’s policy to make research an attractive career, which is a vital feature of its strategy to stimulate economic and employment growth. The Charter and Code of Conduct will give individual researchers the same rights and obligations wherever they may work throughout the EU. This should help counter the fact that research careers in Europe are fragmented at local, regional, national or sectoral level, and allow Europe to make the most of its scientific potential.
Afterwards, the debate will concern the European network of mobility centres, a network made up of about 200 european centers, wich can offer to interested researchers a service of information and assitance for all problems related to their professional activity and their everyday life (foreign language support, legal and bureaucratic assistance, etc.).
In the afternoon will be presented the services offered by Researcher’s Mobility Portal. Birth to put together demand and offer about careers in research and innovaton, the portal offers the access to existing international, European, national, regional and sectoral websites providing general information about research fellowships and grants. Moreover the portal allow to record CVs in a database available to main Universities and research agencies, national and international.
No payment is required. The deadline for registration is 12th of May 2005.
For further informations contact organizational secretary: University of Turin – Research and International Relationship Area – International Relationship sector
Tel. 011. 6704387- Fax 011 6704380 e-mail: