
Infomobility Telematics Forum 2004

Telematics Trend

After the success of the 2003 edition, a seminar has been organised as a long interactive discussion to consider the medium and long-term future as imagined by the most important clients, manufacturers of automobiles in Europe and worldwide.

In this seminar the following key areas will be developed:

  • Presentation and analysis of the actual market situation, with the support of specialized research companies;
  • Analysis of future business trends, with the aid of paths and forecasts outlined by automobile manufacturers;
  • Study of the value chain and business models for different market segments through the analysis of important case histories;
  • Presentation of the roadmap and timeline for adopting new technologies and relative profitability for automobile manufacturers and telematic service providers.

The Torino Wireless Foundation will be represented by Claudio Giuliano, Head of Financing, who will present

The role of Venture Capital in development and innovation: the experience of Finanziaria Piemontech and Fondo Alpinvestimenti

Agenda 10 novembre

11 novembre: ITF 2004 expo


10 November