
Forum: LinuxWorldSummit 2006

The reference b2b event for the OSS and Linux communities

The Italian edition of the LinuxWorldSummit is aimed at giving the Italian market both general and in-depth information about Linux-based solutions and, on a broader level, about open source platforms and products.

The event is THE annual gathering point for companies operating in different sectors and for the Public Administration. Topics range from ERP (enterprise resource planning) software to e-commerce, from training to building a web presence, from complex embedded systems to real-time communication and the newer communication technologies, both fixed and mobile.

Specific attention will be dedicated to the Italian companies which develop products and solutions for the Linuxopen source platform, an industry which is rapidly growing in Italy.


Among the various topics which will be handled during the Summit:

  • Linux and open source: what kind of market for what kind of business
  • What happens when migrating to Linux and open source software?
  • Intellectual property and the open source model
  • Linux and open source software within the company IT infrastructure: what impact can open source have on the whole organization and the IT infrastructure?
  • Open source: a business model for a software industry in Europe and Italy


For further information:

IDC Italia

Viale Monza 14

Milan, 20127


Phone: +39-02-28457354

Fax +39-02-28457313 / +39-02-28457333



15 May


16 May