
Exhibition: Research to Business

Research innovates Business: 2nd Fair on Industrial Research

Research to BusinessResearch To Business 06 is the second edition of an event that has been designed to foster and promote the encounter between the major research centres and high tech spin-offs with manufacturing enterprises, in order to launch new industrial research projects and to foster new technology transfer and co-operation opportunities.

Research To Business 06 is the place where Italian and international research leading actors can meet and have the opportunity to put forward new technological innovation proposals, research projects, prototypes and applications to be launched onto the market. The opportunity is addressed to entrepreneurs, R&D managers and investors interested in supporting technology transfer operations.


A busy conference agenda is envisaged in the framework of the event. It will cover themes in close connection with the event contents: Mechanics, biotechnologies, biomedical engineering, new materials, ICT, innovation Time and Space, macro sectors under discussion, with the participation of a panel of distinguished speakers.

  • Innovative scenarios in instrumental mechanics
  • New enterprises in the new biotech sector
  • Innovations in the biomedical sector
  • Nanotechnologies and new materials for electronic and optoelectronic applications
  • Time and space in the new high tech enterprises
  • Ict for innovation and competitiveness
  • Energy saving: a competitiveness tool



11 May


12 May