Smart City 2021 Brokerage Event
International B2B event within Smart City Expo World Congress in Barcelona
Technology and education have wandered many separate but rarely intersecting paths throughout the 20th Century. In the 21st Century, the convergence of cost effective computing and networking products, methodologies, and services is finally enabling more researchers and practitioners than ever before to explore innovative ways to use computer technologies to manage and enhance the teaching and learning experience.
Recognizing the importance of these trends, COMPSAC, the IEEE Computer Society’s Signature computing conference, offers the COMPSAC Symposium on Computer Education and Learning Technologies (CELT).
This symposium invites submissions related to this convergence in matters related, for example, to openness (e.g., source, access, and educational resources), online and hybrid or blended individualized and group instruction, collaborative methodologies, adaptive learning (Open and Big Data and/or Cloud Computing), deep learning, mobile learning, semantic computing methodologies, educational technology standards, social issues (e.g., privacy and security), K-lifelong learning, etc., that is, any contribution belonging to one or all of the three mainstream learning domains: contents, methodologies, and technologies All submissions must conform to the general guidelines for the COMPSAC conference.
With agreement of the authors, some accepted papers may be submitted for consideration for publication by other IEEE Computer Society journals. In the past, this has occurred with the IEEE Journal of Emerging Technologies.