
Brokerage event: Micro & Nanotechnologies

5th European Technology Brokerage Event on Micro & Nanotechnologies

Targeted to companies, technical institutes and laboratories offering innovative technologies or know-how or looking for technology solutions in the field of Micro&Nanotechnologies, this brokerage event proposes one-to-one confidential appointments scheduled on a specific day.

In 2004, this brokerage event has involved enterprises (and institutes) from France, Switzerland, Germany, Belgium, United Kingdom, Spain, Italy, Finland and Sweden.

Topics for 2006

  • Micro & Nanocharacterisation : instruments, microscopy
  • Micro & Nanomaterials : new materials, surface treatment
  • Micro & Nano-processes : micro-manufacturing, micro-molding, and all related technologies

Registration costs: 150 € VAT included (75 € VAT included for Micronora exhibitors)

Registration: www.micronora.ircnet.lu



28 September


29 September