
2nd International Matching Event at I3P

EurOffice Services (EOS) Events at I3P

Registered SMEs will be able to know the international partner, during the morning presentation sessions. and meet the international representatives to deepen opportunity for collaboration in the afternoon individual meetings (scheduled on demand by participants).
The international organizations come from 16 countries (Germany, Spain, Finland, Portugal, France, Greece, Poland, Romania, Turkey, Switzerland, Belgium, USA, China, India, Brazil, Mexico) and are listed in the detailed programme: [#pdf:5835]
Registration is free of charge and open until places availability.
Registration form for the events is downloadable at: www.i3p.it/files/Registration_SME_2008.doc
Registrations forms must be sent by e-mail to sarti@i3p.it or by Fax to +39 011 564 5733,
before April 15th, 2008

Federico Sarti
e-mail: sarti@i3p.it
tel.: +39 011 564 5764


21 April


Where: I3P, Incubatore Imprese Innovative Politecnico
C.so Castelfidardo 30/a TORINO