
Contextual help tool for web applications


Creation of an authoring product for the generation of contextual aids for Web applications to facilitate the use of platforms both commercial, for internal use or B2B and B2C, and governmental, for internal use or provided by public bodies such as G2C – Government to Citizen.

Application markets

  • eCommerce
  • eBanking
  • eTravel




24 Months


Politecnico di Torino



Project value

€ 425.260


This project was included in the strategic research agenda 2016 of the ICT Innovation Pole, funded under the 2016 "Innovation Poles" Call, Line B, POR FESR 2014-2020 of Piedmont and carried out with the help of resources from the European Development Fund Regional (ERDF), the Italian State and the Piedmont Region.

Expected result

Prototype tested in real environment on Enterprise applications, with selected (incubated) customers, who will cooperate for the definition of the final product.

Why is it innovative?

WebGuide is innovative both at a technological and business level, it provides a more flexible method for the development and management of information systems thanks to the possibility of introducing a parallel development cycle (of the online help) that can follow and integrate that of the application underlying, with advantages of usability and flexibility, as well as the possibility of creating different help contents for different users, on the same application.

Who uses it and how does it change people’s lives?

The WebGuide product acts as a coach for all users of Web applications or websites, providing contextual and dynamic help according to the behavior of the application and the user.

With WebGuide, every user will immediately be able to use the most complex Enterprise applications regardless of the work flows implemented.