Smart Metering for Local Energy Optimization

Compared to the usual smart-metering systems used by electricity distributors, the advantages offered by a framework of optimisation like the one proposed in the SMILE-O project are the extreme configurability of the data to be collected, the possibility of offering it to users and the use of the Internet to collect data, which allows such data to be combined with different kinds of information that cannot be directly collected on a local level.
The forecast model that will be created will be able to process energy forecast indicators that can be viewed by users in order to plan an increase or reduction of consumption on the basis of energy production. This will allow an increase in the percentage of exchange in practice or aid possible cost factors, such as off-peak rates. The model will be tested on a mini-windfarm connected to an industrial estate of small businesses in order to select the production processes that should be activated on the basis of forecasts regarding energy produced from renewable sources.
24 Months
2.2 - R&D project
Project value
€ 1.367.000
Project co-financed within the Innovation Poles of the Piedmont Region (POR FESR 2007/2013, Axis I, Activity I.1.3 - III Annual program for research and innovation projects and services)