
The correct identification of prostate cancer and tumor staging through imaging are an important goal for the future, in particular to ensure a better quality of life for the patient and, at the same time, to reduce costs for the health system. national mainly determined by the biopsy procedure, by prostatectomy surgery but also by the psychological implications that can also lead to limitations in the working activity of the operated patient. Today’s technology reveals a new diagnostic path that involves the use of cutting-edge diagnostic tools, primarily magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and diagnostic support software (Computer-Aided Diagnosis, CAD) capable of localize and characterize the CPr, combining the information extracted from different MR sequences.
18 Months
2.2 - R&D project
Project value
€ 693.220
Project co-financed within the Innovation Poles of the Piedmont Region (POR FESR 2007/2013, Axis I, Activity I.1.3 - PAR FSC 2007/20013, Axis 1, Line of intervention 1.3.c - III Annual program for projects and services for Research and Innovation)