
65 businesses answer the Call for proposals on Galileo

A total amount of 7,5 millions euro

The enterprises

The Foundation received 25 proposals, that involve 65 SMEs – of which 3 are Newcos – with a total amount of 7,5 millions euro.

Confirming Torino Wireless expectations, each proposal counts an average aggregation of three companies, while the geographical origin of the participants is above all focused on Torino and its Province.

The projects

The research proposals submitted belong to development area called “Services/Applications Demonstrator”, with an equal distribution on scheduled themes:

  • Navigation services and applications
  • Security services and applications using the Galileo System in different geographical intervals
  • Services, applications and systems for environmental and structural monitoring, disasters and environmental risks prevention and reduction
  • Further ICT services and applications related to future Galileo System


Now the proposals quality is going to be evaluated by an Evaluation Commission, following criteria based on project quality and innovation, on the experience and background of the proposer organisations, and then on the propriety of project economic plan and planning.

The evaluation and negotiation process will end by February 2006, to make the projects working by March.


For further informations on the call: Galileo Call for proposals