Starting from the results of a previous Feasibility Study called @CARE, the SICura project intends set up a living laboratory to experiment with innovative ways of interacting doctor and patient collaboration in the health sector in order to maximize its effectiveness, identifying and eliminating aspects of critical issues. The feasibility study carried out highlighted key aspects of sustainability and important organizational criticalities in the creation of a tool, immediately open to the transversal use of all the NHS actors involved in the health processes, especially if it had been presented as institutional and in charge to the ASL.
12 Months
2.4 - Innovation project through user interaction
Project value
€ 335.706
Project co-financed within the Innovation Poles of the Piedmont Region (POR FESR 2007/2013, Axis I, Activity I.1.3 - PAR FSC 2007/20013, Axis 1, Line of intervention 1.3.c - III Annual program for projects and services for Research and Innovation)