Micro Cloud

The µCloud system will integrate embedded terminals, currently at the centre of many systems, with a technologically avant-garde platform for managing processes and product lifecycles, done in cloud computing.
µCloud will make it possible to collect data on the working status of terminals and their need for maintenance, as well as gather information useful for planning the development of new functions. In this way we will achieve the smart management of terminals which will reduce running costs, especially after-sales costs.
More specifically, the idea intends to evolve the hardware and operating system of current embedded systems in order to gear them towards connecting with Cloud services. In order to do this, an embedded level of functions will be created that project participants have called Device to Cloud (D2C).
The data collected and aggregated by the µCloud platform could lead to the identification of new business models thanks to the connection with the data marketplaces that complete what cloud computing offers. With this in mind, the project will suggest important directions for innovation, such as the possibility of considering devices not just as objects with specific functions, but also as generators of information with their own intrinsic business value. This scenario constitutes a new paradigm ‘that project partners have identified as Device as a Service (DaaS) ‘ according to which the cost of embedded terminals will be largely compensated by the value of the data they can generate.
30 Months
2.1 - Feasibility studies
Project value
€ 528.000
Project co-financed within the Innovation Poles of the Piedmont Region (POR FESR 2007/2013, Axis I, Activities I.1.3 - II Annual program for projects and services for Research and Innovation)