MuMe Gamification App
Smart Mobility Value-Chain
Provided by
MuMe Gamification App

What is it
A mobile application that provides a service aimed at encouraging the adoption of car sharing (use of a shared car) and car pooling (sharing the journey with other passengers) as an alternative to using the private car.
Provided by
MuMe Gamification App

The situation of urban mobility, which was already quite critical, is now in danger of worsening considerably due to the COVID-19 emergency. The reduction of the public transport service, due to the social distancing on board and the increase in traffic on the road networks – caused by the massive use of private cars – will lead to serious problems in reaching the workplace, impacting on employee productivity and, consequently, on the entire company. Problems associated with a further increase in traffic will have to be addressed, especially in large urban centers. This is why measures are being studied to encourage sustainable mobility alternatives, including the use of bicycles and shared mobility services for individual use, namely car sharing.
The MuMe App, downloadable on the smartphone, exploits the dynamics of Gamification to encourage people to use car sharing vehicles.
The App stimulates competition among the most active users in the use of car sharing, both as drivers and as passengers of the cars, through a system of prizes that assigns a number of points proportional to both the distance traveled and the number of people on board of the vehicle, in order to stimulate the use of the car shared by several travelers.
The points earned can then be spent on a series of rewards related to real services, such as discounts on services related to car maintenance, parking vouchers or vouchers.
Additional services
Application Markets
Public Administration
Transportation / Logistics
Solution Progress
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