
We connect your company to our network. Being part of the Cluster means entering a network of knowledge and opening opportunities to become an active player in the ecosystem of innovation and research.
Join the Cluster
Market Positioning
We know our companies, both through direct contact and through business intelligence tools.
We animate a strong and consolidated community, transversal on innovation issues.
Value Chain
We aggregate skills and solutions to create competitive collaboration along the entire value chain.
Networking & B2B
We stimulate industrial, commercial and research partnerships between the Cluster members and abroad.
We explore and develop business and research opportunities in Europe and in the rest of the world. We are EEN – Enterprise Europe Network – partners and we work in synergy with local authorities: Turin Chamber of Commerce and CEIPiemonte. We actively collaborate with the European cluster network on inter-cluster projects for the internationalization of SMEs.
Join the Cluster

We start the construction of the design idea, even starting from an embryonic phase.
We develop the most qualified partnership around the idea.
We verify the eligibility requirements and the project constraints, pre-evaluation of the proposals.
Research Agenda
We put the best project proposals on the Cluster’s Strategic Agenda and present them to the Policy Makers.
We support the members in the preliminary investigation, management and reporting of the funded projects.
Skills growth
We facilitate access to highly technological human resources, thanks to agreements with universities and technical institutes (ITS). We update the members on scenarios and evolutionary technological trends, reference markets and research and innovation opportunities at regional, national and international level.