Web User Interest Tracking

This study is part of an approach that traces the movement of a mouse and the clicks on a page. In fact it has been proven that the attention of a user as he or she navigates a website is strictly linked to mouse movements. In short, the eye follows the mouse’s pointer. Nevertheless, given the unstoppable process of convergence between mobile and landline communications and the growing number of users who access the Internet from mobile terminals of all kinds, the study will also take into account mobile access, identifying more specifically strategies that are more suited to the integration or adaptation of the analysis paradigm based on mouse-clicks for devices able to offer alternative man-machine interaction techniques (for example, based on the use of touch and scroll, zoom movements etc. for touchscreen and multi-touch devices).
At the moment there are foreign companies that are not taking into account the peculiarities of mobile navigation despite supplying some of these services. Moreover, these companies mainly use their systems in usability studies on websites rather than for marketing analysis. In contrast, the WUIT system could become an advanced Web-marketing tool which would offer integration with existing Web analytics frameworks, marketing analysis and advertisement tools as an added value, thus integrating current state-of-the-art technology significantly.
6 Months
2.1 - Feasibility studies
Project value
€ 92.000
Project co-financed as part of the Piedmont Regional Innovation poles (ROP ERDF 2007/2013, Axis I, I.1.3 activities - First Call Intermedia 2011 destined to the facilities for technical feasibility studies for industrial research and Experimental Development and Services for Research and Innovation, reserved for individuals to aggregate Innovation Poles)