WA (Wearable Antennas)
Wearable antennas for increased efficiency and safety at work

The project aims to expand the secure and reliable capability of future professional wireless systems that will be developed for communication between groups of people and their coordination, possibly without the support of fixed infrastructure. Such systems will lead to greater efficiency in the work of emergency service groups and teams. The work of civil defence workers, public safety workers, medical staff and paramedics will be improved even in difficult emergency situations. Even safety on construction sites could be improved with enormous social impact.
Finally, the opportunities for the passive geo-referencing and locating of missing persons, victims of avalanches etc are also interesting.
In many sectors, safety equipment worn by personnel already includes the requirement of wearing reflective headgear and jackets. These surfaces are an interesting resource that can be used to reduce the need for traditional antennas with the added advantages of reducing bulk, lowering energy consumption and improving efficiency in receiving and emitting signals close to the theoretical maximum. One of the project’s aims is an awareness of the importance of reducing a person’s exposure to electromagnetic fields (particularly the more sensitive parts of the body).
For this reason, a particular layout of antennas will be studied in an effort to maximise the emissions radiated towards the outside of the body, protecting the body from exposure to such emissions (possibly in an omni-directional way) without impeding movement.
24 Months
2.2 - R&D project
Partner altri poli
Project value
€ 331.000
Project co-financed within the Innovation Poles of the Piedmont Region (POR FESR 2007/2013, Axis I, Activities I.1.3 - I Annual program for research and innovation projects and services)