Smart Virtual Power Plant

To this end, a software model will be built first which will allow us to visualise a standard smart grid. This will be used to configure a real system and then identify the best way of using renewable energy sources so as to reduce our dependence on energy from outside the network. For example, the model could answer questions such as: how many ‘batteries’ do we need to include? How many solar panels should we really install?
The model will also take into account economic and financial aspects, calculating when the smart grid becomes cost-effective (i.e. at what power production levels and in what operating conditions). Thus it will provide concrete information to potential grid managers: current energy producers or plant managers, as well as industrial zones, technological parks and universities.
ICT’S Role
Emisfera will be mainly responsible for creating the software model, thanks to its experience in software applications for companies specialising in energy production plants and its expertise derived from the creation, in its role as supplier, of the Enermhy cluster’s SG-MODEL and SG-SENSOR services.
30 Months
2.1 - Feasibility studies
Partner altri poli
Project value
€ 138.000
Progetto cofinanziato nell'ambito dei Poli di Innovazione della Regione Piemonte (POR FESR 2007/2013, Asse I, Attività I.1.3 - III Programma annuale per i progetti e i servizi per la Ricerca e l'Innovazione)