Design, development and maintenance of management software based on the analysis of model process


Starting with an innovative design approach previously studied and validated in academia (in Turin’s polytechnic and university), SIRIO renders the translation of deliverables of the analysis and design phases of IT management applications automatic, in a code that is immediately executable and interpretable. The development of the SIRIO prototype was achieved through four phases which took place in sequence and were closely integrated:

  1. The setting up of the IT system’s executive platform and the development environment through the choice of suitable open-source components, keeping in mind their state of development and the reciprocal elements of incompatibility
  2. The theoretical integration of data, processes and activities in a metamodel that could identify its structure and the corresponding repository. While the meaning of the models has an absolute value, what was involved was the identification of the most cost-effective representation for the particular infrastructure chosen
  3. The successful operation of the approach proposed using the study and design of code exporting and generation tools, which will lead to the software applications that will make up the actual IT system
  4. The project focused on a fundamental feature, the Process Manager, boasting innovative integration with company and collaboration management data, based on Web services.

This experimental development is positioned in the field of management software production and essentially competes with C, JAVA, ORACLE, DOTNET, SAP/ABAP, etc.





16 Months


2.2 - R&D project


Pro Logic

Project value

€ 1.023.000


Progetto cofinanziato nell'ambito dei Poli di Innovazione della Regione Piemonte (POR FESR 2007/2013, Asse I, Attività I.1.3 - I Programma annuale per i progetti e i servizi per la Ricerca e l'Innovazione)