Internet of Boilers

IOT and Big Data for connected boilers
In addition to the boiler, to offer the market proactive monitoring and after-sales service, or to undertake technical intervention even before the blocking problem has become apparent. In addition, the system will provide a series of data to the manufacturer on the use of the product by the consumer, useful both for the manufacturer to improve the product and for the consumer to control the performance of his boiler via APP to obtain maximum comfort and energy savings.
Target markets
Boiler manufacturers, energy providers, Technical Assistance Centers.
24 Months
Industrial research and / or experimental development projects
Partner altri poli
CSELT - Centro Studi e Laboratori Tecnologici Torino
Project value
€ 719.041
Progetto inserito nell'agenda strategica di ricerca 2016 del Polo di Innovazione ICT, finanziato nell'ambito del Bando «Poli di Innovazione» 2016, Linea A, POR FESR 2014-2020 del Piemonte e realizzato con il concorso di risorse del Fondo Europeo di Sviluppo Regionale (FESR), dello Stato Italiano e della Regione Piemonte.

Expected result
Innovative technical solution to allow a boiler manufacturer to offer the market a new connected Smart boiler and new business models, which make it capable of offering added value to the supply of the boiler only (industrial and consumer).
Why is it innovative?
- The development of predictive algorithms (Artificial Intelligence) is expected.
- It will use new tools for storing large amounts of data (Big Data).
- It will make a cloud platform available to manage end to end processes.
- It will bring producers of “traditional” objects into a new business environment consisting of innovative services.
- It will use the new M2M networks (Sigfox and NB IoT).

Who uses it and how does it change people’s lives?
- HVAC machine manufacturers will be able to count on new products and solutions.
- Energy providers will have new high added value services available.
- End users will benefit from monitoring the health of the boiler and savings thanks to greater energy efficiency.