AUTUMN (AUTomotive hUMan Net)
New interface metaphors between vehicle and driver for the automotive sector

The AUTUMN project has developed a working prototype that offers the driver the option to use the car’s windshield as a display to show information to increase driving safety.
Concepts such as desktop or icons used in normal PC are not meant for a driver or a passenger of a car. The windshield instead lets you overlay naturally information and reality, without causing distraction because the focus remains on primary tasks.
The new AUTUMN interface ; helps the driver maintain a safe distance when the vehicle in front comes too close, the shadow projected on the windshield of the virtual vehicle approaching and also writing to many meters away is. It also helps to maintain the direction, by flashing the lane line on the windshield when we are passing, or allows you to perceive a vehicle overtaking, casting its shadow in advance even before the vehicle enters the field of view.
The team has paid great attention to ergonomics visual, to choose the most suitable areas of the windshield, the types of information and the colors which make them appear.
After the end of the project the AUTUMN system ; has gained the interest of automakers.
The AUTUMN 2 project was also funded in the ICT Cluster’s third year, to equip the car with new tools of interaction that one side will provide information on vehicle maintenance, the other will take advantage of the network access to mobile Internet surfers use social, weather services and tourism, remote diagnostics, car sharing.
30 Months
2.1 - Feasibility studies
Project value
€ 1.426.000
Project co-financed within the Innovation Poles of the Piedmont Region (POR FESR 2007/2013, Axis I, Activities I.1.3 - I Annual program for research and innovation projects and services)