Istituto Auxologico Italiano

The Istituto Auxologico Italiano is a Scientific Hospitalization and Treatment Institute operating in Lombardy and Piedmont with 13 hospitals, policlinic and research units. Founded in 1958, Auxologico is a foundation with exclusive purposes of scientific research and patient care activities. Clinical and scientific activities are aimed to study of human development, from conception to mature age, as the etymology of the name Auxologico (from the Greek auxo “increase”) indicates. The main areas include cerebro-cardiovascular, neurodegenerative, endocrine-metabolic, immunological and aging diseases. Ample space is given to robotic and minimally invasive surgery and to genetic and molecular investigations.

Strategic paths

  • [traiettorie] Web & Mobile


End User

Research Body


Via L. Ariosto 13 20145 Milano (MI) Italy

02 619111



Completed projects