Finanziamenti e bandi
INNOWWIDE 2nd call for proposals

Scadenza: 31 March 2020
PMI and startup towards extra-UE markets
The INNOWWIDE project, funded by the Horizon 2020 program, has published the second call dedicated to SMEs and startups from any sector that aim to access emerging international markets (such as Brazil, Russia, China, India and Mexico).
The Viability Assessment Projects (VAPs) have a maximum duration of 6 months. The INNOWWIDE financial support rate is fixed at 70% of eligible costs with a fixed grant of €60,000 Euros for each assessment project.
Torino Wireless supports your company
The Torino Wireless Foundation offers assistance on the Artificial Intelligence, Man and Society call in terms of:
- Support interpretation: first orientation of purpose and notice requirements
Assistance is dedicated to Polo ICT members. [how to join]
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