AIBC – Artificial Intelligence & BlockChain for a greener and digital economy
AIBC Euroclusters
Artificial Intelligence & BlockChain for a greener and more digital economy supported by EUROpean CLUSTERS
AIBC EUROCLUSTERS is aimed to support the cross-fertilisation of AI and BC into different industrial ecosystems (manufacturing, mobility, logistics, energy) to support innovations tied to the adoption of technologies that help SMEs meet requirements for their successful green and digital transitions.
Fondazione Piemonte Innova, project coordinator, will follow all activities: defining the themes of the cascading calls, launching the calls, and evaluating and monitoring the progress of the projects and services funded.
The project aims to support the development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Blockchain (BC) solutions for different industrial ecosystems (manufacturing, mobility, logistics, energy) with the goal of supporting innovations related to the adoption of technologies that help SMEs meet the requirements for their green and digital transitions.
AIBC EUROCLUSTERS focuses on Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain technologies and aims to:
- Support the development of AI and BC solutions by European SMEs and startups, particularly those solutions that support digitization.
- Support the adoption of AI and BC solutions by different industrial ecosystems (manufacturing, mobility, logistics, energy) to contribute to their resilience and green and digital transition.
- Promote the internationalization activities of technology SMEs with AI and BC solutions and skills.
AIBC EUROCLUSTERS will launch cascading calls to support European SMEs in their internationalization, digitization, resilience, energy transition and product/service development and innovation. It will also prepare the long-term strategy of Project Partner Clusters to continue to support SMEs on these particular topics and generate cross-sector and cross-regional collaborations at the cluster and company level.
Internationalization activities are based on the strategy defined in the BRIDGE project (concluded at the end of July) and will also go in synergy with the ReStartSMEs project, which involves matchmaking between manufacturing SMEs and technology SMEs to develop projects or pilot together.
It is also expected to consolidate the management of cascading calls and an impact on companies in the area (ICT Cluster and Cluster), a potential synergy with the Innovation Poles that follow the themes of manufacturing, logistics and energy.
Budget cascade funding for SMEs: 1,05 M Euro
Duration: 28 months September 2022 – Dicember 2024
Fondazione Piemonte Innova (IT), Bwcon research (DE), ICT Cluster (BU), Asociacion Cluster de Movilidad y Logistica de Euskadi – MLC (ES), Environment Park – ENVIPARK (IT) Bydgoszcz Industrial Cluster – BIC (PL)
For more information contact us aibc@piemonteinnova.it.