Internet Services for Mobile

The platform standardises the APIs for accessing mobile device functions (sensors, telephone functions, personal data, etc.) and offers a uniform interface for network communication with remote services, optimising communication on mobile devices and proving to be bandwidth-efficient and resistant to disconnection.
The project’s testing ground involved the creation of two application prototypes. The first, consumer-oriented one, plans to interact with the access of a user in a particular area. By taking advantage of the location-based functions of terminals, it permits one to set up contextual navigation systems connected to third party services. The second, more business-oriented prototype, involves the creation of a merchandising management system. The project’s partners expect the following results:
- by building on the results of the project, the turning of the prototype into a solid infrastructure for the rapid development of applications and services
- the expansion of the range of products, services, technology and know-how possessed by project partners
- affiliation to international schemes funded by Telecom Italia and open source projects launched by the developer community that are complementary to these international schemes ;
The platform has already been used by some partners to develop applications related to their product portfolio and for commissioned applications. Furthermore, it has been used as a technology basis for the ICT Pole mobile app.
18 Months
2.2 - R&D project
Project value
€ 861.000
Project co-financed within the Innovation Poles of the Piedmont Region (POR FESR 2007/2013, Axis I, Activities I.1.3 - I Annual program for research and innovation projects and services)