Innovative system to locate, identify and track things and people in real time

Identify, identify, track and locate things and / or people in real time in limited indoor / outdoor environments. Knowing how to identify the position in space of a well-determined object opens the way for so-called “position-aware applications”.
Target markets
- Industry
- Production automation
- Advanced logistics
- Hospitals
- Shopping centers
- Safety
18 Months
Industrial research and / or experimental development projects
Project value
€ 731.020
This project was included in the strategic research agenda 2016 of the ICT Innovation Pole, funded under the 2016 "Innovation Poles" Call, Line A, POR FESR 2014-2020 of Piedmont and carried out with the help of resources from the European Development Fund Regional (ERDF), the Italian State and the Piedmont Region.

Expected result
Low cost RTLS system, with positioning accuracy less than 10cm, thanks to a fixed infrastructure of synchronized sensors that receive Ultra Wide Band (UWB) signals from a high number of active TAGs. Each sensor will be able to calculate the instant of arrival of the signals transmitted by the TAGs with a certain accuracy and precision. The computer connected via Ethernet to all sensors will use the arrival time information to calculate the position of each TAG.
Why is it innovative?
Unique features:
- Complete wireless solution
- High operating distance (up to 100m)
- Accuracy in localization less than 10 cm
- Very small size and consumption tag
- Continuous evaluation of signal quality
- High update rate of tag positions (up to 100Hz)
- Possible localization of a large number of tags (up to 1000)
- Low costs (Tag 10 € Sensor 100-300 €)
- Solution compatible with IEEE802.15.4-2011 worldwide standard

Who uses it?
Main examples of use: localization of equipment and personnel, localization of vehicle fleets, navigation, monitoring of people, statistics of trolley movements in the shopping center, personal monitoring in dangerous areas.