General Medicine Unit

The study undertook a technological assessment of doctors in general practice, recording the IT needs expressed by different types of organisations. In particular, it focused on the functions required of a GCP:
- tools for cooperation and for organising activities
- the management of clinical files
- tele-medicine
- access to information on the move
- services that are interoperable with regional systems
- services for patients
A scouting programme was carried out on the technology, the commercial systems currently available and the relevant regulations, as well as an analysis of the market associated with the organisational evolution of the country’s health care. The results of the feasibility study, including the functional requirements, system specifications, SW architecture and instructions on set-up methods, allow us to maximise the chance of success of any future project, in a systematic approach with other schemes that are evolving in regional and national health care.
Project co-financed within the Innovation Poles of the Piedmont Region (POR FESR 2007/2013, Axis I, Activities I.1.3 - I Annual program for research and innovation projects and services)