Social network and Interactive Maps for Digital Education
We wants to propose the creation of a digital platform able to integrate the principles underlying the functioning of social networks, allowing teachers to treat some subjects in an innovative and “close” to the students way, in order to encourage their active participation.
The platform will allow users to access a web- system based on the social system, which will give the ability to publish content and provide cooperative interaction and collaborative tools. Within this platform, students can import information found on the web, manipulate data through special editorial processing tools and finally post this content, enable the use and interaction with other users. From the teacher side, they can view the materials and sources used by the student as well as create evaluation systems and creation of their content . The platform will be based primarily on the use and manipulation of geographic content such as maps and thematic maps of different derivation, which gradually will be complemented by those self-produced by users.
Project co-financed within the Innovation Poles of the Piedmont Region (POR FESR 2007/2013, Axis I, Activity I.1.3 - Call for Feasibility Studies 2014)