Distributed telemetering system

Telemetering systems today have particular aspects both in terms of intelligent measuring sensors and in terms of the architecture of distributed systems and wireless data transmission systems. The main impetus today comes from the introduction of automatic systems for the accounting of energy consumption, but a new field of application is that of accounting for the consumption of operating machines powered by diesel, which thanks to current legislation can benefit from a contribution in terms of partial refund of excise duties. The system of which the present study intends to ascertain the feasibility is based on the possibility of configuring an on-board device that will deal with; automatically detect data (e.g. operating hours, number of laps, geographic location), transmit them through a protected protocol and process them to automatically generate the required accounting and tax practices.
Project co-financed within the Innovation Poles of the Piedmont Region (POR FESR 2007/2013, Axis I, Activity I.1.3 - Call for Feasibility Studies 2013)