Review and development of a model for forecasting school flows and the needs of teachers (MF) in high school

The objective of RMF is the construction of a service available at distance for the school industry experts wherever they work (public and / or private entities) The originality and innovation of the proposal is a dynamic design software, able to adapt to change, starting with a consolidated experience in Turin level. Software that will be made accessible according WEB compliant mode. For dynamic software we mean a software able to “learn” according to a logic similar to those developed in the field of AI (artificial intelligence), ie to reparameterize in case of any structural changes. This will require a jump in the level of abstraction at which the programs are constructed, , first, by formalizing the structural changes and, secondly, making it capable of autonomously programs recognize the different forms in which they can occur.
12 Months
2.1 - Feasibility studies
Project value
€ 39.580
Project co-financed within the Innovation Poles of the Piedmont Region (POR FESR 2007/2013, Axis I, Activity I.1.3 - Call for Feasibility Studies 2013)