HPC CloudPills
HPC CloudPills

Our aim is therefore to improve a range of technologies to design and implement IT computing products in very specific areas such as HPC – Clustering, 3D Workstation Graphics Workstation, Workstation for photo editing, editing and DTP Workstation, Workstation for Video editing. The feasibility study goals are therefore the acquisition through internal self-learning of the necessary know-how and a lot of HW / SW variables, the design and then the supply not only by large suppliers, but also by more small company like ours, the drafting of internal guidelines that considers first the tests performed, the data collected and the feedback received from external entities that will provide the testing machines.
Project co-financed within the Innovation Poles of the Piedmont Region (POR FESR 2007/2013, Axis I, Activities I.1.3 - II Annual program for projects and services for Research and Innovation)