Tutoring On Line Platform

The project is divided into 5 sub-projects for the realization of a feasibility study aimed at analyzing the current scenario regarding:
- online tutorig with reference to competitors and the technologies they use, innovative technologies that can be used as part of the school support network
2. definire an ideal application field depending on the type of school, subject and delivery period
- define the detailed requirements of the ideal reference model, delivery methodology; method of study;
4. define the strengths and weaknesses through the SWOT methodology of today’s existing solutions in relation to the ideal reference model;
- design a prototype solution
The goal of the project is therefore to define a detailed scenario of reference for identifying the strategic requirements for the future development of a platform for the delivery of a training support on the web, figure out which is the correct direction for a systematic approach to the introduction of an online tutoring platform, design an innovative tool based on a web platform, to support students with learning deficiencies.
6 Months
2.1 - Feasibility studies
Project value
€ 50.000
Project co-financed within the Innovation Poles of the Piedmont Region (POR FESR 2007/2013, Axis I, Activity I.1.3 - Call for Feasibility Studies 2013)